Network Of Lie Theorists
The Network Of Lie Theorists is a group of mathematicians at Ontario and Québec universities with interests in Lie theory. Its purpose is to make use of the large research network in the region in this area through collaboration and cooperation. To be added to the NOLT mailing list, subscribe to this group.
Faculty Members
- Yuly Billig (Carleton University)
- Ivan Dimitrov (Queen's University)
- Dragomir Djokovic (University of Waterloo)
- Yun Gao (York University)
- Joel Kamnitzer (McGill University)
- Michael Lau (Université Laval)
- Erhard Neher (University of Ottawa)
- Monica Nevins (University of Ottawa)
- Leonid Rybnikov (Université de Montréal)
- Hadi Salmasian (University of Ottawa)
- Alistair Savage (University of Ottawa)
- Ilya Shapiro (University of Windsor)
- Ben Webster (University of Waterloo, Perimeter Institute)
- Wai Ling Yee (University of Windsor)
- Kirill Zainoulline (University of Ottawa)
- Kaiming Zhao (Wilfred Laurier University)
Postdoctoral Fellows
- Kathlyn Dykes (Carleton University)
- Khoa Nguyen (Queen's University)
- Yaolong Shen (University of Ottawa)
Workshops and Conferences
- Hopf algebras and related topics, Bonne Bay Marine Station of Memorial University, August 11–15, 2025.
- Galois Cohomology and Massey Products, University of Ottawa, June 13–16, 2024.
- Conference on New Developments in Lie Superalgebras and Quantum Groups, University of Ottawa, August 31–September 1, 2023.
- Canada-Mexico-USA Conference in Representation Theory, Noncommutative Algebra, and Categorification, Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, August 24–27, 2023.
- Symmetric Spaces, Their Generalizations, and Special Functions, University of Ottawa, August 18–21, 2022.
- Representation Theory and Geometry, Online, February 14–16, 2022.
- Algebra and Geometry of Homogeneous Spaces, Online, June 2–4, 2021.
- CRM Regional Lie Conference, Online, October 2–3, 2020.
- Quantum Groups, Representation Theory, Superalgebras, and Tensor Categories, Online, August 20–23, 2020.
- QFT for Mathematicians, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, June 17–28, 2019.
- Workshop on Forms, Flags, Graphs, and Beyond, University of Ottawa, May 9–12, 2019.
- Ottawa-Lyon-São Paulo Workshop on Representation Theory, Carleton University and the University of Ottawa, July 3–7, 2018.
- Lie Theory and its Interactions with Geometry and Combinatorics, University of Ottawa, November 11–12, 2017.
- Combinatorics of Group Actions and its Applications, Memorial University of Newfoundland, August 28–September 1, 2017.
- Representation Theory, Université Laval, July 29, 2017.
- Hopf Algebras, Algebraic Groups and Related Structures, Memorial University of Newfoundland, June 13–17, 2016.
- Hecke Algebras and Lie Theory, University of Ottawa, May 12–15, 2016.
- Algebraic Groups and Lie Algebras, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Bonne Bay Marine Station, Norris Point, Newfoundland, August 17–21, 2015.
- Representation Theory and Analysis on Lie Groups over Local Fields, University of Ottawa, May 7–10, 2015.
- Enveloping Algebras and Representation Theory, Memorial University of Newfoundland, August 28–September 1, 2014.
- New Directions in Lie Theory, Thematic Semester, Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, January–June, 2014.
- Geometric Methods in Lie Theory, The Fields Institute, March 25–29, 2013.
- Infinite Dimensional Lie Theory: Algebra, Geometry and Combinatorics, Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, August 21–24, 2012.
- Representation Theory and Quantization, The Fields Institute, February 25–27, 2011.
- Lie Theory and its Applications, Carleton University, February 26–28, 2010.
© Alistair Savage
Template design by Andreas Viklund